Donald Payne Jr. tweeted the following:
"I am furious about the attacks on African-American culture and history in Florida. I spoke about it on the House floor tonight."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Donald Payne Jr.:
"Secondhand smoke has killed more than 2.5 million Americans, yet Republicans have allowed smoking in Congressional offices. This terrible decision violates local and federal law and it is a threat to public health. I spoke about it on the House floor last night."Read on Twitter
"Congratulations to Schneider Hardware in West Orange! The store has been in business for 100 years. My office presented the owners, Roger and Gerald Schneider, with a Congressional Proclamation and they were recognized at the West Orange City Council Meeting last night."Read on Twitter
"My hearts and prayers go out to the victims of the terrible mass shooting in Monterey Park, CA, this weekend. We have got to do more to keep guns out of the hands of criminals!" on Jan. 23Read on Twitter