Donald Payne Jr. tweeted the following:
"I was proud to vote for the Inflation Reduction Act today because it will clean the environment, create new jobs in energy technology, make sure corporations pay their fair share in taxes, and significantly reduce the prices of life-saving medications for millions of Americans."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Donald Payne Jr.:
"Recently, my office and I worked with the NJDOL to help a constituent get her unemployment benefits and directed her to a local food pantry to handle her food insecurity. If any constituents need help with state and federal agencies, please call my office - (973) 645-3213." on Aug. 11Read on Twitter
"This is National Health Center Week and Newark Community Health Centers has events going on to celebrate, including events today in East Orange and Irvington. The Centers do an exceptional job providing medical services to our communities and I am proud to support their efforts!" on Aug. 10Read on Twitter
"I enjoyed speaking at the Abbott Leadership Institute's Youth Media Symposium today. The students are learning about federal policy, so I told them about my experience writing the Payment Choice Act and getting it passed in the U.S. House of Representatives." on Aug. 4Read on Twitter